What is beyond the realm of bits, numbers, text, and graphics? A great deal - like the other senses and dimensions. Here is a short survey of what is at the frontiers.
L'Hotel HyperChat | Ubique Chat | Chat Worlds | iChat Networks |
Forget long distance charges for phone calls. You can now use your computer as an Internet Phone.
Not too long ago, someone claimed that Bluedog can count, everyone heard it, and the Web went nuts. Now, there are at least four players that can deliver real-time audio over the Internet.
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Internet Wave | RealAudio | TrueSpeech | StreamWorks |
Home Page | Home Page | Home Page | Home Page |
Web Sites | Web Sites | Web Sites | Web Sites |
And, there are a number of interesting Radio and Music sites up and working:
ABC RadioNet | c|net Radio | WCBS News |
NPR | Live Radio | Net.Radio |
Composite Music | Horoscopes | KZOK |
What is the difference between the old "Sound Recorder" from MicroSoft and, say, RealAudio? The answer is:
Play with the icons in the following tables and experience the difference.
Normal Web Server | RealAudio Web Server | ||
Static *.wav | Static *.ram | Static *.ra | Live *.ra |
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Slow Enlightenment 3.5 sec of "Ommmm" |
Slow Enlightenment 3.5 sec of "Ommmm" |
Peter Jennings for 11/15/95 "Too much stuff." |
Internet Hourly News News around the clock. Hear the latest news, sports and commentary. |
(1) Requires a free user account.
While eveyone else is waiting for their ISDN, a T-1 line, or ATM, a number of people are pushing the envelope on Video. It isn't quite 30 frames per second, but that is coming. These links provide a fair sample of what is here and now for everyone.
Video On Line | Live Video Cameras |
In the near future, VRML, the Virtual Reality Markup Language, and HotJava will bring astonishing effects to your screen.
VRML ( Virtual Reality Modeling Language ), is a platform-independent graphics standard and is designed to let users interact on the Web in 3D environments.
For a taste of the future now, check out these links.
Marshall Space Flight Center | Worldview VRML Browser | WebSpace VRML Browser |
VRML World | VRML+ - Worlds Inc |
MIME is the acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, and governs how a particular Internet message or file is to be displayed or presented.
With a Web Browser like Netscape, it is possible to custom select what display, presentation, or "Helper" appliction should be used to display, present, or otherwise render the contents of a particular Internet message or file. The Netscape Menu Items of "Options/Preferences/Helper Applications" will present a table of:
The user may select the MIME Type of interest and specify that Netscape should launch an application to display, present, or otherwise render the contents of any such MIME message or file.
For example, a Microsoft audio file has a *.wav File Extension and is played by the Microsoft Sound Recorder "c:\Windows\SoundRec.Exe". The corresponding MIME Type is "audio/x-wav". By specifying that Netscape should launch "c:\Windows\SoundRec.Exe" whenever an "audio/x-wav" MIME type message or file is received, the user will automatically be able to hear the audio file played as soon as it is downloaded.
The following link lead to a zillion "Helper Applications" for interpreting, displaying, or otherwise presenting graphics, video, sound, and God only knows what else.