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Formal Formulations


The Physics of Objects, Imagined or Real

The study of Physics is concerned with the movement and properties of Physical Objects. Most of the time, we can actually touch the Object in question. Sometimes, we must imagine the Object since it can not be touched with the usual sense.

For example, we can touch a stone, feel water, or sense heat; but, we can not touch an electron or a "black hole". Instead, we imagine that an area of space-time has certain properties and then proceed to set up Algebraic Equations to describe the properties of the Object in question. The change in the values of Object's properties, over time, is called the Behavior of the Object.

Whether the Object is real or imagined, the study of Physics requires a strong Analogy between:

This requirement arises from the fact that the Form of the Object and the Form of the Algebraic Equations is fundamentally different. One Form is the manifested by the actual Object itself ( real or imagined ), and the other Form is a set of symbols written on a page.

Because the Algebraic Equations are a representational Form of the Intellectual Concept for the Behavior of the Object, there must also be a strong Analogy of Substance between:

In other words, the Substance of:

must be equivalent, as far as what is Physically Observable. Note well, kind reader, that this does not exclude the possible existence of Substance, in a Form , which is not Physically Observable. For example, consider the Substance of an Emotional, Intellectual, or Spiritual experience. The Substance of an experience answers the question, "What was the experience?", in a most profound sense.

But ! Beware of the unbalancing traps and decadent altitudes:

Rather, all this merely suggests that Substance can not be defined merely in terms of Physically Observable properties. This brings us full circle back to Physics, and,

"Just what, exactly, IS Physically Observable?"

Holds onto you hats, folks. Here we go - into the belly of the Beast itself.


Physically Observable Dimensionalities of Objects

Within the formalism of Form and Substance, simply stating "The stone weighs 2 kilograms," or "The boat is 30 cubits long," is setting up an Algebraic Equations of Substance.

One describes the property of physical mass, the other describes the physical property of distance, for a particular Object at a particular place and time.

Properties such as mass and distance are formally referred to as being Dimensional Properties of an Object. Any Dimension of any Object must be a Physically Observable property of the Object. If it can be observed, then it can be measured, or, at least, counted. In fact, the word Dimension comes from a Latin root word meaning "to measure out."

The Dimensionality can then be Objectively Measured, against a standard unit, with a measuring device, like scales or a ruler. An Objective Measurement is one that is absolutely reproducible, within the fuzzy limits of Heisenberg.

All Objective Measurements are expressed in the following format:

( Numeric Count of Quantity ) ( Unit of Dimensionality )

The Unit of Dimensionality
specifies a Unit of Measurement,
for the Dimensional Property,
of the Object in question.

An extensive list of Dimensional Properties and Units of Dimensionality is provided, to mark the limits of what is Physically Observable. As such, it represents what may be called the Substance of an Object, on the Physical Plane of Perception. As scientific research grinds onward, more Dimensionality will be added.

Within the formalism of Form and Substance, 
       the  concept  of          Substance is extended:

       onto the    Emotional Plane of Perception to allow imperfect Analogies;
       onto the Intellectual Plane of Perception to allow logical Consequences; and,
       onto the    Spiritual Plane of Perception to allow something Beyond.


Dimensional Properties and Units of Dimensionality

All Physically Observable properties of an Object are either Fundamental Dimensions, or are Formed as a composite of the Fundamental Dimensions. The decomposition of a Physically Observable property into the appropriate Fundamental Dimensions is called Dimensional Analysis.

|                   D I M E N S I O N S  --  Fundamental                    |
Q  M  L  T               Name                     Units of Measurement
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================
+1             Electric Charge            Coulomb,   ESU.
   +1          Mass                       Kilograms, Pounds, Tons, ...
      +1       Length                     Meters,    Feet,  Miles, ...
         +1    Time                       Seconds,   Days,  Years, ...
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================

|                   D I M E N S I O N S  --  Of Space and Time              |
Q  M  L  T               Name                     Units of Measurement
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================
      +3       Volumn                     Cubic  Meters, Cubic  Feet, Liter, ...
      +2 -1    Diffusivity   
      +2       Area                       Square Meters, Square Feet, Barn, ...
      +1       Length                     Meters, Feet,  Miles, ...
      +1 -1    Velocity          
      +1 -2    Acceleration      
      +1 -3    Jerk              
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================

|                  D I M E N S I O N S  --  Involving Mass                  |
Q  M  L  T               Name                     Units of Measurement
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================
   -1 +3       Specific Volumn            = Inverse Density
   +1          Mass                       Kilograms, Pounds, Tons, ...
   +1 -3       Density                      
-- -- -- --    ------------------------   -----------------------------------
   -1 +1 +1    Fluidity                   = Inverse Viscosity
   +1 -1 -1    Viscosity                  Poise   
   +1 +1 -1    Momentum             
   +1 +2 -1    Action             
-- -- -- --    ------------------------   -----------------------------------
   +1 -1 -2    Pressure                   Bar, Torr   
   +1    -2    Surface Tension   
   +1 +1 -2    Force                      Newton, Dyne   
   +1 +2 -2    Energy                     Joule, Erg, Electron Volt             
-- -- -- --    ------------------------   -----------------------------------
   +1 +2 -3    Power                      Watt             
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================

|             D I M E N S I O N S  --  Involving Electric Charge            |
Q  M  L  T               Name                     Units of Measurement
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================
-2 -1 -2       Magnetic Reluctance        .             
-2 +1 +1       Magnetic Permeability      .             
-2 +1 +2 -1    Resistance                 Ohm.     
-2 +1 +2       Magnetic Permeance         .             
-2 +1 +2       Induction                  Henry.             
-2 +1 +3 -1    Resistivity                .             
-- -- -- --    ------------------------   -----------------------------------
-1 +1    -1    Magnetic Induction         Gauss, Tesla, Weber/Meter^2.             
-1 +1 +1 -2    Electric Field Intensity   Volt/Meter.             
-1 +1 +2 -2    Electric Potential         Volt.     
-1 +1 +2 -1    Magnetic Flux              Weber, Maxwell.             
-- -- -- --    ------------------------   -----------------------------------
+1             Electric Charge            Coulomb,   ESU.
+1 +2          Electric Displacement      .             
+1    -1 -1    Magnetic Field Induction   Orestead, Ampere/Meter.             
+1       -1    Electric Current           Ampere.             
+1       -1    Magnetic Potential         Gilbert.             
+1             Electric Charge            Coulomb, ESU.            
+1    +1       Dipole Moment              Debye.             
-- -- -- --    ------------------------   -----------------------------------
+2 -1 -2 +1    Conductance                = Inverse Resistance, Mho.             
+2 -1 -3 +1    Conductivity               Mho/Meter.             
+2 -1 -2 +2    Capacitance                Farad.             
+2 -1 -3 +2    Permittivity               Farad/Meter.     
+2 -1 -1       Magnetic Reluctance        Ampere-Meter/Weber.             
== == == ==    ========================   ===================================


dimension (dî-mčnšshen, dė-)


  1. A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.
  2. Often dimensions. Extent or magnitude; scope: a problem of alarming dimensions.
  3. Aspect; element: "He's a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension" (William S. Paley).
  4. Mathematics. a. One of the least number of independent coordinates required to specify uniquely a point in space or in space and time. b. The range of such a coordinate.
  5. Physics. A physical property, such as mass, length, time, or a combination thereof, regarded as a fundamental measure or as one of a set of fundamental measures of a physical Quantity: Velocity has the dimensions of length divided by time.

dimensions verb, transitive

  1. To cut or shape to specified dimensions.
  2. To mark with specified dimensions.

[Middle English dimensioun, from Latin dėmęnsio, dėmęnsion-, extent, from dėmęnsus, past participle of dėmętėrė, to measure out : dis-, dis- + mętėrė, to measure.]

dimensional adjective
dimensionality noun
dimensionally adverb
dimensionless adjective

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Updated 96/02/01.