gs articles    

Bibliography of General Semantics papers
by Ralph E. Kenyon Jr. (bio)
updated on 2013-06-12 at 00:45

  1. Definition - forthcoming
  2. Elementalism -  June 12, 2013 - An analysis of Korzybski's original definition and application, and others' interpretations and flaws
  3. On Evolution - June 3, 2013 - Darwinian Metaphor, Chaos, Axioms of Evolution, the state of biological evolution data.
  4. Time-binding - the general notion - 2006 - Abstracts from Manhood of Humanity and Science and Sanity and some analysis comments.
  5. Critique of a Review of Nina Bull - June 2013 - Howard T. Blane, Ph.D. reviewed The Body And Its Mind by Nina Bull in 1963
  6. Manhood's Fallacy - May 2013 - Exposing major fallacies and other flaws in the basic purpose and belief behind Manhood of Humanity.
  7. The Ten Commandments of General Semantics - (humor) - a parody stimulated by some of the excess behavior of some individuals.
  8. A Note on Communication - Three coordinates for "meaning" along the extensional-intensional dimension: dictionary, context, idiolect.
  9. Laws of Thought - The so-called "law of thought", what Aristotle actually said, and how they fit into general semantics - non-Aristotelian evaluating.
  10. Extensional Devices - a brief summary defining the extensional devices and relating them to the time-binding record. November 2007.
  11. Recommended Readings - a list of some recommended books relevant to general semantics.
  12. My posts on the archived General Semantics Discussion list.
  13. meaning - a brief non-technical and non-circular explanation of meaning that incorporates recent brain research. November 2005.
  14. The Neurological Basis of Identity - a paper that illustrates how nervous systems make determinations of same or not.
  15. General Semantics References - The beginnings of a new working list of source references for general semantic.
  16. Criticism of Andy Hilgartner's "Invitation" of December 27, 2004 
  17. Validity and Truth - December 2004 - a critical analysis and corrections to Validity and Truth by Bob Pula
  18. Updating General Semantics (2004) - November - On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins - summary of the theory and implications for general semantics.
  19. Anti-Aristotelianism - May 2004 - a working paper exploring the development of anti-Aristotelianism
  20. two valued orientation and two valued logic  - March 2004
  21. Consciousness of Abstraction - December 26, 2003, a paper illustrating the complexity of abstracting.
  22. How much "out-of-date" is Korzybski in 2003? - December 26, 2003, a paper quantifying the growth of knowledge.
  23. Confronting the Challenges of Conflicting World Views, July 4, 2003, a paper written for the theme of the The Twelfth International Conference on General Semantics to be held in Las Vegas October 31-November 2, 2003.
  24. Colloids, 24 Sep 2000, a paper that describes some differences between colloidal behavior and living substance. - stimulated by a general semantics discussion group.
  25. The Foundations of Prejudice, 1999, a paper that describes the built-in primary and secondary neurological mechanisms underlying prejudice and discusses how to use this knowledge to combat prejudice.
  26. Levels or perspectives on the use of language, 1997, a paper that describe four perspectives or levels on the use of language ordered by increasing complexity. These levels are (1) grammar, (2) logic, (3) semantics, and (4) general semantics. April 1, 1997
  27. A Notion of Concept, 1994, a paper that discusses why general semanticists object to 'concept' but not to 'notion'. July 25, 1994
  28. On the Use of Quotation Marks, 1993, Etc.: A Review of General Semantics, Vol. 51, No 1, Spring 1994. This paper illustrates and explains standard usage of quotation marks and urges general semanticists to become consistent with the majority culture. October 21, 1993.
  29. Heraclitus? or Xenophanes?, 1993, Heraclitus of Ephesus is often touted as the first general semanticist. But an earlier philosopher had views even more in accord with modern general semantics. January 4, 1993
  30. E-Prime: The Spirit and the Letter, 1993, Etc.: A Review of General Semantics Vol. 49 No. 2, Summer 1992. (Reprinted with corrections in More E-Prime: To be or Not II, edited by Paul Dennithorne Johnston, D. David Bourland, Jr., and Jeremy Klein, International Society for General Semantics, 1994)
  31. On Similarity of Structure, 1992, a paper intended to ask a very serious question about the foundations of general semantics. A fundamental formulation of general semantics is based upon and uses Aristotelian identity. August 21, 1992.
  32. A Non-Formal Non-Language, 1990, a paper that illustrates major flaws in a paper by C. A. Hilgartner entitled A New Formalized Language Based On Entirely Non-Traditional Premises. A close analysis of the material presented by Hilgartner shows that the presented material contains many ambiguities and inconsistencies. The proposed system fails to qualify as a formalized language and the language as a system is incoherent. Claims based upon the system are therefore unfounded. December 17, 1990.
  33. The Impossibility of Non-Identity Languages, 1988, General Semantics Bulletin 55, 1990. This paper proves that no language can be entirely free of identity. October 17, 1988.
  34. Letter to the Institute, recommendations to help promote general semantics. November 16, 1988
  35. Hilgartner's Violations, 1988, a paper showing that Hilgartner's paper, which purports to advance a formal system for general semantics, actually violates general semantics principles. October 21, 1988.
  36. The General Semantics 'Ethic' of Cooperation, 1986, a paper which shows that the 'ethic' of cooperation is based upon a fallacy and a lack of understanding. February 10, 1986.
  37. Abstraction, 1985, a paper that traces the evolution of a particular sense of the term 'abstraction', defines terms necessary to give a precise technical definition for this sense as it has evolved, and illustrates application of the term in that technical sense.
  38. The Philosophy of Karl Popper 1984, a paper which describes Popper's philosophy as understood within general semantics.
  39. What is General Semantics, 1983, a paper which argues for a straight forward and direct answer to be used in answering people who are not general semanticists. February 1983.
  40. Researching General Semantics, 1983, A paper prepared in response to the Second Roundtable On Teaching and Researching General Semantics, General Semantics Bulletin, 1983
  41. Consequences of using the definite article 'the', 1982, a brief note on the blocking effect of using 'the'.
  42. Is There a Need for Formal Standards in Teaching General Semantics?, 1979, A paper prepared for delivery at the Second Roundtable On Teaching and Researching General Semantics. This paper presents an allegorical illustration of the levels and needs surrounding the question of need for formal standards in teaching general semantics. April 1979.
  43. The General Semantics of the Teacher-Student Relation, 1979, An expository note concerning theoretical considerations behind qualifications for teaching. January 1979.
  44. What Are We Aiming For?, 1978, A paper prepared for the First Roundtable on Teaching and Researching General Semantics. March 1978.
  45. The Nature of Science, 1978, A paper which traces the increasing structure of the scientific method as it relates to the general semantics formulations "extensional", "intensional", etc., during the last 2000 years. This relates to the formulation that there's a similarity of structure between the way the human nervous process function and the way science has grown (as a body of knowledge and as a process). A 'media' perspective is taken. Begun November 1977, Revised September 1978.
  46. Think-Feel and Know-Act, 1978, This paper relates general semantics as a model for human knowing with the Attitude Theory of Emotion, showing that the two theories are each incomplete and complement each other when considering the perspective of human information processing. An abstract, six process model of response and action is developed. Begun in February 1978, and revised August 1978, and April 1979.
  47. Some "Biases" of General Semantics, 1978, (Formerly titled The Institute of General Semantics) This paper characterizes a number of general semantics perspectives, applications, etc., and examines some of the 'biases' of the system. March 1978.
  48. A Look at the Boundary, 1978, This paper examines the specific areas distinguishing Euclidean and non-Euclidean, Newtonian and non-Newtonian, and Aristotelian and non-Aristotelian and includes some equations, May 1978. New - now in pdf format. 
  49. General Semantics Coordinates, 1977, This paper presents a graphic model illustrating the difference between Cartesian and general semantic frames-of-reference. September 1977.
  50. Correspondence with C. A. Hilgartner concerning his writings.
  51. Talk - a graphic from a presentation I gave at the New York Society for General Semantics late in 1974. (new)

Index of published articles. Some are on-line.
General Semantics and Related Topics

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