For those who would patronize Mathematics, it is said that
Well, thank you very much. Actually, the above statement is quite diminishing to Mathematics as a whole. It is as if Mathematics is a necessary evil that comes along with Science. However, Science could neither quantify nor formalize anything without the foundations of Mathematics. In a more honest spirit, one might hear:
Now, that is a fine howdy-do. But, it does reflect a valid historical perspective.
Actually, until 50 years ago, when the Allies of World War II needed lots of arithmetic performed quickly and accurately for war tactics, most industrial mathematicians spent their time calculating numbers for statistical, projectile, or orbital tables. Academic mathematicians spent most of their time passing on what they knew to their students. Pretty boring stuff, actually.
But, the "times they are a-changing"! During the last 50 years, the world has become much more technical in its operation and dependency on technology. Sputnik kicked off the educational revolution of the 1960's, as the World Wide Web is kicking off the intellectual revolution of the 1990's.
Now, in order to function correctly and be useful, if not profitable, technology must conform to the underlying Mathematical
of the
Form and Substance
Everyone needs and uses Mathematics for their specific application, but there is no home for Mathematics itself. For those tied to the
Realm of Consciousness,
Mathematics is merely a tool to be used for their materialistic purposes.
Perhaps, it is appropriate that Mathematics should have no home on the
and certainly not on the
Emotional Realm!
This leads to consideration of the
Intellectual Realm!
where the
of Mathematics are manifest as symbols written onto a page. But,
The Homeless Mathematician
knows that these symbols are but an ephemeral shadow of the true
Form and Substance
of Mathematics. The real question is how Mathematics can exist at all.
Thus, The Homeless Mathematician ventured onto the Spiritual Realm, to seek a home for Mathematics. A great mystic once said:
The Homeless Mathematician
and knew that the Home of Mathematics is a reality where the
Form and Substance
of All
is respected with equal dignity. Unfortunately, the
Spiritual Realm
is currently populated with too many
conflicting mythologies
of the past.