For more recent experiences, see my more recent resume.
1994-97: Singles’ Connections: Volunteer support services for a non-profit, community service organization. Acted as first contact and host for social events for four years; participated in events planning and chaired planning committee for three years; edited, published, and distributed a monthly calendar/newsletter for 33 months; planned, implemented, and executed all phases of activities events planning, public relations promotion, subscription accounting, financial statement preparation, and administration for two years.
1980-93: Continuously developed and implemented programs in 8080A assembly language, including the use of MACRO assembly techniques. Many system level programs interfacing to the PolyMorphic Systems 8813 Microcomputer and System-88 Operating System. Special projects included development of communications software for a modem and development of an interpreter to support a compiler for a limited subset of the DoD language Ada.
09/86-04/93. Editor & Publisher of "PolyLetter: The Newsletter for PolyMorphic Systems Owners and Users". Collect and write articles, organize layout, prepare camera ready proofs, and mail 75-100 copies of a 10 page newsletter every two months.
09/89-05/91. Mathematics Teacher of Adjunct courses and independent studies at Southern Vermont College, Bennington, Vermont 05201. Courses taught include introductory algebra and statistics. Independent studies include introductory algebra, statistics, introduction to calculus, advanced calculus, and introduction to Philosophy. Prepare, write, and execute lesson plans, tests, homework assignments, and projects.
1990 Attended AAAI-90 at Boston, MA.
1987 Attended AAAI-87 at Seattle, WA, and Prepared report "The State of Artificial Intelligence" for Solotest Corp.
1984-87 Attended continuing seminar: Human and Artificial Intelligence, at Williams College, Williamstown, MA, 01267
1986 Attended Society for General Systems Research conference at Philadelphia, PA.
1982-84 Attended Cognitive Process Research Group continuing brown-bag seminar at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
1980-83: Developed custom BASIC programs to meet client specifications for analysis and display of Stock market information, including short term, minute to minute market play, daily charting of stocks, and a transaction accounting system including buy and sell orders, bought and sold invoices, closings, etc., including short and long accounts.
1978-81: Designed management data systems, wrote, tested, debugged, and implemented the systems on a Wang 2200 system, including floppy and hard disk systems. Developed a data-base system integrating master data records and schedule records. Developed automatic scheduling, notification, and follow-up procedures. Developed master system reports as well as numerous selected data-base query reports. Included were a master status and schedule system accounting for United States Navy Inactivated Ships, and Naval Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Safety Deficiency accounting, tracking, and follow-up system.
1981 Participated in a project to convert Herbert Otto's The Linguistic Basic Of Logic Translation into LISP at Old Dominion University, as part of a course in Advanced Artificial Intelligence.
01/80-12/97. Owned & operated Abstract Systems, writing and selling software for PolyMorphic Systems (8080) microcomputers. (Closed business during 1984-1986 to return to graduate school.)
07/78-06/81. Inspections and Security Department head for the Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia.
07/78-06/81. Marine Industrial Inspections Manager
Responsible for the supervision and overall management of a comprehensive inspection program for U.S. Navy and Merchant Shipping Corps vessels undergoing decommissioning, storage, stripping, sale for scrap, Preparation for target use, and Foreign Military Sale for the Atlantic. Inspections included Radioluminescent Source Removal program (radioactive decontamination), shipboard asbestos surveys, regular periodic hull integrity inspections, preservation inspections, inspections preparatory to decommissioning, inactivation inspections, industrial safety inspections and physical security inspections. Responsible for direct supervision of from 10 to 15 subordinates.
07/78-06/81. Industrial Security Program Manager
Responsible for the supervision and overall management of the physical security of from 50 to 80 decommissioned vessels stored at two locations involving 10 piers. Responsible for the development, implementation and administration of procedures to insure security of associated support facility and 50 to 80 vessels undergoing various stages of inactivation, cannibalization and stripping, and preparation for sale. Responsible for the training, qualification, assignment and proper performance of 30 to 80 military personnel while assigned to security duties.
07/78-06/81. Industrial Safety Program Manager
Responsible of the supervision and overall management of the Navy Occupational Safety program at the Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility, including the development, implementation, and enforcement of safety principles and practices. Responsible for the training of safety personnel, supervision of safety training for 30 to 80 military and 100 to 120 civilian employees in an industrial shipyard environment. Responsible for training and supervision of safety inspectors, and safety committee members. Responsible for the development, implementation and enforcement of inspection and reporting programs. Responsible for the overall supervision of safety inspectors. Responsible for the supervision and follow-up of accident investigation and reporting.
01/79-06/81. Electronic Data Processing Operations Manager
Responsible for the supervision and overall management of the EDP equipment and personnel including development of requirements for programs, writing and debugging programs, and implementing management information data-base systems and reports. Wrote and implemented a data base system for management schedules and decommissioned vessel data, and a safety inspection deficiency accounting system.
02/76-06/78. Direct Support Division Officer, Naval Security Group Activity, Chesapeake, Virginia.
02/76-06/78. Information Analysis & Reporting Management.
Responsible for the consolidation of mission elements and personnel, organizing a division using organizational development techniques to consolidate a division and create an effective functional unit. Responsible for the direct supervision and training of 12 to 20 individuals assigned to classified missions. Responsible for meeting operations requirements by scheduling individual resources to meet mission requirement, while insuring sufficient training, experience, and 'fair' duty rotation. During this period I developed and implemented comprehensive mission quality control, feedback and training procedures.
08/76-06/78. Drug and Alcohol Program manager
Responsible for the overall management of the Navy Drug and Alcohol Program at the Naval Security Group Command including scheduling and implementing training, coordinating the processing of individuals into treatment programs, and coordinating with supervisors and counseling programs.
06/75-06/78. Disaster Control Preparations Manager
Responsible for the overall coordination, drafting, editing, publishing, and distribution of a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan for the facility. Responsible for the supervision of training of command personnel in disaster preparedness procedures. Responsible for the administration, implementation, development and training in Hurricane and severe weather preparations.
08/76-08/77. Facility Emergency and Security Manager
Responsible for the training, qualification, assignment and proper performance of 200 to 250 military personnel while assigned to security duties. Responsible for the development and implementation of a comprehensive personnel qualification procedures system for military security duties.
06/75-02/76. Signals Security Division Officer
Responsible for the overall assignment, scheduling and training of 45 to 60 individuals involved in fleet support in signals security procedures.
07/72-05/75. Contract Production Surveillance Management
Responsible for the development and dissemination of staffing procedures in the administration of the production portion of Defense Contract Administration Services Region. Analysis and evaluation of procedures for the surveillance of production performance of defense contractors. Analysis, reporting and follow-up on contractor delivery delinquencies. Evaluating Contractor cost proposals on Cost plus Incentive contracts. Acted as an expeditor for high interest contracts, for coordination with other departments (finance, quality, contract officers, etc.) Developed and implemented desk procedures for administering priority 2 and 3 contracts.
07/72-05/75. Personnel Security Program Management
Maintained records of personnel security clearances, access to classified information, disclosure records, etc. Administered security checks, records, and access need determination. Conducted investigations into violations.
03/72-06/72. Served as the executive assistant to develop a comprehensive management system for Shipboard work accounting during a shipyard overhaul.
01/71-02/72. Served as the First Lieutenant aboard a diesel submarine, responsible for maintenance of the hull, superstructure and emergency Submarine Salvage fittings. Collateral duties included Public Affairs Officer for responding to mail inquiries.
07/70-12/70. Served as the Assistant Engineer aboard a diesel submarine, responsible for administration of routine engineering activities including scheduling and expediting repairs, training, and supervising normal operations.
06/69-07/70. Served as Supply Officer Afloat aboard a diesel submarine. Responsible for maintenance and management of spare parts for all equipment aboard (8000 line items). Responsible for implementing repair parts budgeting. Responsible for administration of budget and operational expense funds. Responsible for supervision of food service preparation, ordering, accounting, and menu preparation. Collateral duties included Public Affairs Officer for responding to mail inquiries.
10/68-12/68. Naval Accelerated Submarine Officers Course Student
07/68-09/68. Naval Officer Candidate School Student
09/64-06/68. Assigned to attend college as a student in the Naval Enlisted Scientific Educational Program (NESEP) leading to a commission. (Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. BA & BS in Mathematics.)
06/64-08/64. Naval Preparatory School Student (NESEP)
10/63-05/64. Student at the Naval Nuclear Power prototype, D1G, and plant operator at the West Milton Site, Schenectady, NY. Qualified to operate the mechanical (secondary) plant in a pressurized water nuclear power plant.
03/63-09/64. Student at the Naval Nuclear Power School, Bainbridge, Maryland undergoing training in Navy pressurized water nuclear power plant theory and systems.
02/62-02/63. Served in main propulsion division aboard a U. S. Navy destroyer. Operated and repaired steam powered propulsion and auxiliary equipment (turbines, pumps, piping systems, etc.).
07/61-02/62. Navy Boot camp and Machinist Mate (Class-A) School for training in steam propulsion, diesel engines, air conditioning, refrigeration, compressed air, auxiliary steam systems, hand tools, etc.
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