Ralph E. Kenyon, Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267
Phone: 413-458-3597

Availability - when: now; where: within commuting distance.

IT Project Experience


Jan 2002 - May 2003

Responsible for maintenance of Cullinet online and batch IDMS programs and JCL on an IBM390 mainframe system in support of Orders, Shipping, Billing, and reporting, in a legacy mainframe system with client-server interfaces to other systems with a multi-business, multi-plant scope. Tasks include daily interaction with clients to identify, resolve, and correct problems, make enhancements to the system, and perform other routine data maintenance items. Design and write specifications for support programmers for corrections, enhancements, and projects. Document all actions and maintain a support information website. Maintain a help desk website. Maintain a support central website.
Environment: Mainframe - IBM 390, networked PC's and Intranet


Jul 1999 - Dec 2001

Responsible for maintenance of online and batch IDMS and DB2 programs and JCL on an IBM390 mainframe system in support of Orders, Shipping, Billing, and reporting, in a legacy mainframe system with client-server interfaces to other systems with a multi-business, multi-plant scope. Tasks include daily interaction with clients to identify, resolve, and correct problems, make enhancements to the system, and perform other routine data maintenance items. Document all actions and maintain a support information website. Maintain a help desk website.
Environment: Mainframe - IBM 390, networked PC's and Intranet


Feb 1999 - Jul 1999

Responsible for the analysis, design, conversion, programming, and testing of COBOL batch and MANTIS online programs in the Plant Stores system for replacing TOTAL database interfaces with DB2 interfaces and for Y2K remediation. Developed process documentation and provided technical training and system research support. Coordinated with client representatives on technical issues.
Environment: Mainframe - IBM 390


Jan 1996 - Present

Designed and implemented World Wide Web pages for the Internet using various editors, including Microsoft FrontPage and text based editors. Maintain web sites for a dance studio and a community service organization. See http://www.ballroomdances.org.
Environment: PC and internet publishing


Apr 1998 - Feb 1999

Responsible for analysis and program modifications for international Plastics manufacturing firm. Responsible for analysis, design, documentation, and coding for converting mainframe system extracts for Demand Forecasting to use Data Warehouse inputs in a client/server context. Responsible for analysis of ADSO, IDMS and COBOL batch programs for identifying and tracking millennium critical default dates through various systems using mainframe and PC tools. Responsible for configuration management and security administration using RACF and OCF for tracking project software changes. Responsible for coordinating cross team development efforts and impacts.
Environment: Mainframe and networked pc's


Nov 1997 - Mar 1998

Responsible for analysis, design, documentation, and coding for converting mainframe system reports to Business Objects in a client/server data warehouse context. Responsible for analysis and program modification of components of IBM-AS/400 system reporting, and user interfaces, in support of conversions to Business Objects for international Plastics manufacturing firm. Responsible for the design, layout, editing, and publishing of Intranet Web Pages for documentation and support of the reports conversion project.
Environment: Mainframe - IBM 390 and IBM compatible PC


May 1997 - Nov 1997

Responsible for analysis and program modification of components of large legacy systems in COBOL with DB2 and IDMS for financial invoicing, manufacturing scheduling, reporting, user interfaces, and Year 2000 conversions for international Plastics manufacturing firm. Tools include Endevor, TSO, and PROFS.
Environment: Mainframe - IBM 390

Prior experience


Jan 1981 - Apr 1993

Developed and implemented programs in 8080A assembly language. Wrote system level programs for the PolyMorphic Systems 8813 Microcomputer and System-88 Operating System. Reverse engineered the operating system and designed and implemented system enhancements. Special projects included developing an interpreter to support a compiler for a subset of the DoD language Ada, FIGFORTH, Pilot, Small C. Wrote and implemented a complete help system enhancement to the operating system.
Environment: desktop PC - S-100 system

MATHEMATICS TEACHER education - college Sep 1989-Jun 1991
Taught college algebra first and second semester, college statistics, and supervised independent studies in calculus and statistics.
Environment: academic


Sep 1986 - Apr 1993

Editor and publisher of a newsletter for PolyMorphic systems owners and users. Collected and wrote articles on PolyMorphic Systems hardware and software, organized layout, prepared camera ready proofs, and distributed newsletter every two months.
Environment: desktop PC - S-100 system and IBM compatible

INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT Finance - stock market analysis

Jan 1980 - Dec 1983

Developed custom BASIC programs to meet client specifications for analysis and display of stock market information, including short term, minute to minute play, daily charting of stocks and a transaction accounting system including buy and sell orders, bought and sold invoices, and closings, including short and long accounts.
Environment: Desktop PC - S-100 system


Aug 1978 - Jun 1881

Responsible for the supervision and overall management of the EDP equipment and personnel including development of requirements for programs and implementing management information data-base systems and reports. Designed and implemented database systems. Developed automatic scheduling, notification, and follow-up procedures. Developed master system reports as well as selected database query reports. Included were a master status and schedule system accounting for United States Navy Inactivated Ships, and a Naval Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Safety Deficiency accounting, tracking, and follow-up system.
Environment: Wang 2200 series word processing system


Feb 1976 - Jun 1978

Responsible for the consolidation of mission elements and personnel to organize a division, utilized organizational development techniques to create a functional unit. Responsible for direct supervision and training of 12 to 20 individuals. Developed and implemented comprehensive mission quality control, feedback and training procedures.
Environment: Manual


Jul 1972 - May 1975

Responsible for the development and dissemination of staffing procedures for the production portion of defense contract administration. Analyzed and evaluated procedures for the surveillance of production performance of defense contractors.
Environment: Management


Jun 1969 - Jun 1972

Served as the executive assistant to develop a comprehensive management system for Shipboard work accounting during a shipyard overhaul. Served as Supply Officer Afloat aboard a submarine. Responsible for maintenance and management of spare parts consisting of 8000 line items. Responsible for implementing repair parts budget, budget administration and operational expense funds. Responsible for supervision of food service preparation, ordering, accounting, and menu preparation.
Environment: manual


Languages 8080 Assembler, BASIC, COBOL, HTML, IBM MVS JCL, Java Script, LISP, MANTIS, SQL
Software ADSO, Panvalet, Computer Associates, Cullinet, IDMS, Dispatch, Endevor, Business Objects, Clarify, Culprit, Excel, FrontPage, Rumba, Word, WordPerfect.
Databases IDMS, DB2, SQL
Hardware IBM PC, IBM 390
Operating Systems IBM MVS, Microsoft Windows, MS-DOS, Redhat Linux, System-88, 4DOS, TCMD, CPM
Industries Manufacturing, Federal Government, desktop publishing, webmaster
Functional Areas Inventory control, manufacturing, order entry, shipping, billing, pricing, management


government - military


Marine Industrial Inspections Manager, Industrial Security Program Manager, Industrial Safety Program Manager, Drug and Alcohol Program Manager, Disaster Control Preparations Manager, Facility Emergency and Security Manager, Communications Security Program Manager, Personnel Security Program Manager, Shipboard Deck and Topside Supervisor, Marine Assistant Engineer, Nuclear Reactor Secondary Plant Operator, Marine Steam Propulsion and Auxiliary Systems Operator.

Education (and training)

University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA Ph.D. - Philosophy
M.A. - Philosophy
Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA M.S. - Computer Science 1981
Pepperdine University Los Angeles, CA M.A. - Human Resources Management 1978
Miami University Oxford, OH B.S. - Applied Mathematics
B.A. - Pure Mathematics

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