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The Inversion of American Founding Principles

MAY 19, 2019

Read The New Democratic Platform based on balanced Commonwealth and private capitalwealth.

From my cognitive ergonomics research:   "Tax" is a horrifically negative meme that evokes "no" and "never" in virtually all hearers, especially conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans.  Support for needed services and benefits should not be called a "tax"; it should be called an "assessment" AND be paired with what that assessment is buying.

Elizabeth Warren's proposed "wealth tax" is doomed based on the semantic reactions of the meme "tax".  People are willing to pay for what they need and want.  Her "wealth tax" should be divided into two major assessment, "Infrastructure assessment" (roads, bridges, buildings, etc.) and "commonwealth assessment" (Health, Education, Welfare, etc.).  The "inheritance tax" should be called an "extreme wealth inequity assessment" or "human commonwealth assessment".  The point is that any "tax" should not be called a "tax"; it should be called something that implies support and names the need being addressed - something people want and will pay for.

The Declaration of Independence, once included in mutual ratification by treaties of recognition by and with other nations and us, becomes a de facto treaty, which is specifically identified in the Constitution as the supreme law of the land (Article VI), places the rights guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence in the context of administration of the government, establishing the general order of importance of the goals for this government.

The Declaration of Independence states All men have equal and inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, in that order.  That means, by inclusion in treaties, those 5 principles are supreme law of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA: equality (justice), inalienable (can not be denied), Life (includes healthcare), Liberty (freedom of choice), and the pursuit of happiness (includes ability [education and employment] to acquire satisfactory health and welfare).  In that Equality is the FIRST of the five principles, equity entails reciprocity at a minimum as a first principle.  Inalienable means "can not be taken away - by others nor by organizations, including the government".  Equality and inalienable imply reciprocity, must be practiced in all personal and organizational relations and actions. Next is equal and reciprocal acceptance by all others for all others to life.  That entails that no act under the name of liberty or the pursuit of happiness, the remaining two of five, is permitted that ultimately abrogates another person's equality or inalienable right to life, no such act is permitted. The taking of the life of any person subject to the jurisdiction of the USA in any form is prohibited. So no person, and by extension, organization, under the jurisdiction of the USA has, under the name of liberty, a right to take or cause to happen the demise of another such person.  Under reciprocity, liberty does not extend to acts that ultimately deny others their right to pursue happiness (which includes reasonable health, welfare, and education).  Reciprocity rules throughout all five principles, equality, inalienable, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In the USA these five principles have given way to extreme pursuit of wealth, nonreciprocal liberty, loss of life due to poverty and lack of healthcare, loss of inalienability throughout the population and massive inequity in all aspects of the society. The five fundamental principles of the creation of the United States Of America have been changed by special interest conservative politics and the intrusion of Christian religion to implement the five principles EXACTLY IN REVERSE of the order dictated in both the Declaration Of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution. The laws passed, the decisions of the courts, and the rules and regulations implemented by the administrations in the last hundred years has turned the USA into a corrupt oligopoly run by plutocrats, all in the name of capitalism, extreme liberty, self-sufficiency, and a complete disregard for the disadvantaged and less able.

What are You going to do about it?

Do you understand that extreme capitalism is the opposite of democracy?  Just by reversing the priority order of the five fundamental principles of our democracy, the USA has been turned into a oligopoly controlled by plutocrats slowly over more than a century of appeal to "conservative" values in the priority order of Business, Freedom, self-sufficiency (everyone for himerself), loss of rights, and ubiquitous inequity.

Ralph E Kenyon Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267