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Healthcare Insurance Policy

Whereas: No resident is exempt from the government laws, regulations, and enforcement, on account of the government​ being of all the people, for all the people, by all the people through representation,

Whereas: The country has a compelling interest in the good health of all the people, now therefore, the government shall provide for the administration of health for all the people.

Whereas: The people will benefit from health care, now therefore, all the people shall be required to contribute​ to the healthcare of all the people whenever they are able.

Whereas: All businesses and corporations with employees will benefit from the good health of their employees, now therefore, all aforementioned businesses shall be require to contribute to the healthcare of all the people whose health they benefit from.

Resolved: All citizens and other residents with means shall purchase basic healthcare insurance, unless they are covered by another person's insurance.

Resolved: All businesses  with employees shall shall match their employees premiums.

Whereas: All residents must be covered, now therefore all healthcare insurance providers must participate in providing insurance, and all organizations providing healthcare supplies or services must accept insurance, both without discrimination or exclusion.

No one who had a mother or father shall be excluded from premiums related to gender specific coverage.

No one who was a child shall be excluded from premiums related to age specific coverage.

Unnecessary purely cosmetic procedures may be excluded from these requirements.

Medicare for all style insurance

Premiums shall be based on all income other than public health care, welfare, and disability income.
You work, you pay. You invest, you pay; you inherit, you pay; you receive other income, you pay. You pay on all income above twice the poverty level (2019 single = $24,280) . This twice-poverty level exemption phases out at 20 times the poverty level (2019 = $242,800) on a dollar for dollar basis, so that there is no deduction for those with gross income is more than 20 times the poverty level.

Premiums shall be determined in the manner similar to the way Medicare premiums are currently determined, except a surcharge, not less than 10%, shall be applied to income above the poverty-level exclusion phase-out. The surcharge shall be applied to research.  Premiums shall be set annually, so that the cost of all necessary medical services, supplies and prevention, and the administration of the program, shall be covered without charges to any citizen other than the premiums. There will be no charges to anyone receiving necessary medical care and supplies and prevention, no copay, no billing.  Everyone who is able - with non-excluded income above twice the annual adjusted poverty level - shall pay premiums, subject to the phase-out and surcharge as appropriate.  These premiums shall be their total cost of medical care, excluding purely cosmetic charges.  Necessary medical care and preventative care shall include dental, vision care and hearing care.  In short, single payer, budget neutral, coverage for all covered by the premiums paid by those who are able, that is, those with income above twice the poverty level with a progressive surcharge for those with income above twenty times the poverty level.


Ralph E Kenyon Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267
December 25, 2017