This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2021-05-16 at 01:32 and has been accessed 2462 times at 29 hits per month.


  1. Warren's Asbestos
  2. It happens
  3. Surveillance
  4. Asleep
  5. Harvey
  6. Tax Reform
  7. Borders
  8. Trump...
  9. Horrors
  10. Lead by Trump
  11. The Donald
  12. Breasts
  13. By The People
  14. Energy
  15. Birthday
  16. My Senses
  17. Senses
  18. POTUS Mole
  19. Impeachable
  20. POTUS Cabinet
  21. Nepotism
  22. The Inquisition...
  23. Angry, Yoda is.
  24. Killing sprees.
  25. Fast Guns
  26. Crime, it is.
  27. Floating death.
  28. Plutocrats
  29. Forearmed
  30. The Doctor
  31. Derilection of duty
  32. Earth Day
  33. Ninety Degrees
  34. Thanksgiving
  35. Edible Plastic
  36. The Anthropocene
  37. Butter and Guns
  38. Nursing
  39. Migrating
  40. Hiking
  41. Gerrymandering
  42. Restore Justice
  43. No Justice
  44. Healthcare
  45. Deadly change.
  46. Pure Evil
  47. Pandemic
  48. Independence Day
  49. Slogan for life
  50. Best practice.
  51. Trump
  52. Virtual Hug
  53. Un-Birthday
  54. POTUS & Congress
  55. Scorched Earth
  56. Fraud free election
  57. Security
  58. Sedition is Traitorous
  59. Me, me, me!
  60. Impeachment
  61. Growth
  62. Call your congresspersons

Ralph E Kenyon Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267