This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2018-06-20 at 01:20 and has been accessed 2931 times at 36 hits per month.

Who is best qualified
to represent the people
for the people?



I would not want anyone who is "good" at running commercial companies representing me in congress.  The qualifications for a good government administrator/representative of the people and for the people conflict with the qualifications for commercial business leadership.
Business leaders have priority to produce profits for the owners/stockholders.  As such they cut costs any way they can get away with, they charge whatever the market will bear as a price, thus pushing the utility towards the more wealthy while excluding the poor.  They seek to reduce any legislative impediment to making profits, regardless of any arguments of "fairness".  As part of charging whatever the market will bear, they engage in covert price fixing, buying and closing competitors, as well as merging with other companies in the move toward a sufficiently large market share that they can control the price.


Government leaders have priority to produce or channel goods and services fairly and equally to all human citizens of the realm, as well as to potential citizens.  They must be good at running not-for-profit businesses focusing on delivering goods and services to the needy.  They should have experience in raising funds from the able in order to help defray the cost of providing services and channeling goods to the disabled and to those otherwise disenfranchised by the overwhelming practices of the business leaders.  
Elect "good" business leaders, and you create the revolving door of individuals who work together to support business leaders at the expense of the non-profit and government leaders and programs. We got "corporations" having most of the rights of citizens by this process.  Republicans are the party of "Business first".  Democrats are the party of "The People first".

Small Businesses

If you do not own your own business, or you are a small "mom-and-pop" business, you are at the mercy of the price-fixing-and-gouging price-the-little-guy-out-of-the-picture business types who's main purpose in life is to amass wealth at the expense of everybody else.


Are you for the people (ALL the people), or are you for just the wealthy and powerful?

Ralph E Kenyon Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267