This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2019-08-05 at 01:32 and has been accessed 1869 times at 34 hits per month.


AUG 03, 2019
popup for notes

  1. The United States was created pursuant to the rights and principles of Common Law by the Declaration of Independence.
  2. As such, the Declaration of Independence is the first and foremost United States of America legal document having the status of law.
  3. The five preeminent principles are, in order of priority,
    1. equality under the law,
    2. inalienable (can not be taken away by any person or organization),
    3. Life (no one or organization my take the life of any citizen)
    4. Liberty (no one may deny any citizen the right to choose).
    5. The pursuit of Happiness.
  4. Equal and inalienable in priority order as given by the founding fathers, dictates that Liberty is restricted by the prior right to life. That Liberty is to be equal, it necessarily follows that Liberty can not be absolute, as many seem to think.  Liberty is constrained and limited by the prior right to life.
  5. Equal and inalienable Life and Liberty entails that no acts in the pursuit of happiness may deny or jeopardize the prior rights to Life and Liberty.
It is a consequence of these rules, that Life entails healthcare, that all behavior under liberty must provide for reciprocity, and the priority of life and liberty entail that no acts in the pursuit of happiness may deny or jeopardize the rights to life and Liberty.

The pursuit of happiness necessarily entails basic needs, and in the capitalistic society, the ability to acquire wealth enough to pursue activities providing the basic needs, which entails obtaining sufficient wealth to satisfy the basic needs. This, in turn, dictates a satisfactory employment or business to provide for those needs, as well as, sufficient education to succeed in the aforementioned employment or business.  The prior priority of equality, inalienably, life, and liberty, entails that such pursuit of wealth shall not be so excessive as to materially prevent others from enjoying comparable satisfaction and all the prior rights.

Monopolies pricing goods beyond the means of others violates equality, inalienable, life, and liberty as well as others ability to acquire necessary minimum wealth.  Paying employees too little likewise jeopardizes all the five principles.

In short, the rights in the Declaration of Independence are all abrogated by excessive pursuit of wealth (greed).
  1. The Preamble to the Constitution reiterates these rights and duties and more.
  2. Once other countries recognized the United States of America, and accepted the Declaration of Independence as applied to us, the Declaration of Independence becomes a de facto treaty, and pursuant to the Constitution becomes the first element of "the supreme law of the land".
  3. The preamble to the Constitution states
  1. Establish Justice
  2. Insure domestic tranquility
  3. Provide for the common defense
  4. Promote the general welfare
  5. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
  1. Justice - Equality
  2. Order - Civility
  3. Defense - Military
  4. Welfare - Health and Safety
  5. Liberty - Freedom
The Constitution is the second most important document with the full force of law, which traces back to the common law via the Declaration of Independence.

Unfortunately the conservatives have abrogated the order specified by the founding fathers by putting freedom to do anything not expressly prohibited, as the first priority and destroying any real semblance of equality.  Inheritance preserves the wealth of the wealthy (them that has, gets), exacerbating wealth and income inequality exponentially. The tax rate on wealth derived income is less than the tax rate on earned income, the reverse of what it should be, because only the wealthy can buy politicians.

Ralph E Kenyon Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267