This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2020-12-10 at 01:32 and has been accessed 2316 times at 36 hits per month.

A Cancer of Greed
Is Eating Infrastructure.
It Will Kill Us All.

The Republicans with their tax cuts for the richest are making the wealth and income inequality even more extreme. Corporations did not increase wages. A couple gave one-time bonuses. They did not invest in growth; what they did do is begin a massive stock buy-back spree increasing the demand on stocks maintaining the upward pressure on the stock market putting those tax cuts into the income and wealth of the stockholders - the richest - while the poor had to work more jobs just to get by. When Russia and China get together and start divesting themselves of US Treasury notes, the market by which we fund the US debt will collapse, crushing the value of the dollar and beginning inflation "such as even God has never seen".

Our greed for riches we can't even use has already become a metastasized cancer infecting the economy, the Republican party and ideology, the corporate economy, the stock market, and now two of the three branches of the government, threatening to infect the last branch. The administration is now a monstrous tumor of greed. The Congress is more tumor than working flesh, the justice department shows metastasized intrusion in the top spreading through the judges. The House needs massive surgery with the coming midterm election. The Senate needs radiation therapy to burn out the bad cells over the next three elections. The administration needs massive transplants as soon as possible. Without healthcare the patient will continue to sicken until rigor mortis sets in. Cutting taxes is the draining of the lifeblood of democracy - medieval blood letting which hastens the demise of the patient rather than heals.

The bloodletting the vampire plutocrats and oligarchs are feeding on is making our infrastructure and government so anemic the bridges are rusting away, the roads are full of holes, and there is no strength to plan for and protect us from the worsening environment.

Ralph E Kenyon Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267