Author: Ralph E. Kenyon, Jr. (diogenes)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 10:24 am

David wrote, I invite others to gently prompt me by asking me to consider if my response employed a particular fallacy. This sounds to me very much like you are asking others to think about whether or not they may interpret your words in two ways (or more), one of which includes surmising that you are using a fallacious argument, and the other of which is that they have a different interpretation of your remarks. I evaluate this as another, slightly disguised, example of the project you have been myopically pushing in several threads - to get others to ask questions prior to proceeding with their interpretation - that it, when you think they should ask questions first. On the other hand, if they think you are committing a fallacy, and they have no other interpretation at hand, you are still asking them to ask you if you are doing so, - a slightly more specific variation on asking you "what you mean". In both cases you are asking others to ask you what you mean prior to proceeding to act or speak based on their own interpretation evaluation. Here we go again...
Author: Ralph E. Kenyon, Jr. (diogenes)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 11:53 am

By "joining you 'in this effort'" are you asking me to ask others to also point out to me when they they think I'm using a fallacy? I dare say they are already capable of that, and that most will rarely hold back. I expect nothing less.