Now, what makes a place, i.e., a Web Site,
a "Fun" ( or cool, or groovy, or far out, or whatever ) place
is a function of, among other things,
culture, language, climate, phase of the moon, etc.
A comprehensive
is not practical.
Rather, a more useful question is:
"For whom?" is it "Fun", cool, groovy, ad nausium.
Well, the folks at Georgia Tech have
a very interesting
WWW User Survey,
about who is doing what.
( They also have a great "crawler". )
From the Paranoia Home Page in mid-November, 1995:
As of September 8, 1995, there were 101,908 commercial ( *.com ) domains.
This is 26,055 more than Jul 31, 1995 and 72,706 more than Dec 31, 1994.
9/ 8/95 101,908 7/31/95 75,853 ( + 26,055 = 101,908 ) 12/31/94 29,202 ( + 72,706 = 101,908 ) 9/ 8/93 2,000 |
Just two years ago or so, there were
the same number of *.com domains as *.edu domains.
It's not coincidental that
as *.com domains have multiplied by 50 times,
the IQ of an average Internet user has fallen by a good 50 points.