This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2018-06-26 at 01:38 and has been accessed 15532 times at 42 hits per month.


1982 (revised 2006)

(Wisdom cannot be communicated in words.)

Wisdom: The compassionate use of knowledge.

I can only remember hearing it, or something like it, at a general semantics seminar, at which it was, to the best of my vague memory, attributed to Don Fabun. So far I have not been able to document it as actually having come from him. I thought it was in his little book, "Communications: The Transfer of Meaning", but I could not find it there.  So far, the only similar quote I find is, "We will fulfill that promise only if we succeed in transforming research into wisdom in the compassionate use of knowledge in the affairs of mankind." [italics original] by William J. Fowler, A Foundation for Research in Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 72(1975) p. 2847.  (2006 revision)

My analysis:

What differentiates wisdom and intelligence?

Wisdom includes discerning the difference between desire and need. (This comes from the Sufi.)


(abstracted from Joy: Expanding Human Awareness by William Schutz)

  1. Having a knowledge base.
  2. Being open to new information or experience.
  3. Being able to make associations with knowledge.
  4. Being able to communicate new associations.
  5. Pursue the new idea into independent existence.

The following is my acronym and mnemonic device to remember the above.

third person <-> first person
Knowledge.   1
Association.  3
Perseverance. 5
Expression.   4
Reception.   2

Knowledge Association Perseverance Expression Reception = KAPER

Creativity is really a KAPER.

The essential character of creativity is error.  One is creative when one makes an error, that is, does something differently, and is aware enough to discover that the result was better than the old procedure or process.  Creativity is deviating from past learned processes and discovering that the deviation produced a "better" result.  One must remember, however, that more often than not deviation from the standard, that is, making a mistake, is "just plain wrong". (2006)



Commitment : I :: Perseverance : they.

(Commitment is perseverance)


Knowledge (2007 addition)

(Knowledge is the ability to use information.)

Source Ralph Kenyon 1982